**But you must REALLY listen, No interrupting, No daydreaming, No planning your response, Just listening**
Lately in my office and even sembang with my frens, everybody talk about the halalness of the Mc Donald`s and KFC`s. Maybe sebab baru habis MIHAS tu kot!! by the way I'm "against" anyone who insinuate that we should boycott mc donalds...bcos they being christians..and less sensitive towards muslims..and now with all the hatred that comes abt. Do we need to instill hatred into our young minds and heart? and continue the legacy? have we not seen enough hatred already in this world?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think McDonald's is a francise. That means the McD's here in Malaysia are owned by Malaysians who have paid a very handsome sum to McD Inc. and have to pay a percentage of their gross profits to the franchisor. So before McD the American company is hurt by the boycott, we would have hurt our fellow Malaysians first....and it included cases like the Bali bombings which killed innocent locals working in Bali not the Americans who own mc donalds sitting in their cushy chair in US. Another thing is the act of boycotting was something practised by the Jews and the kufar...even in the day of the Prophet...he still traded with the Jews in spite of everything....
And again....why attack only Mc Donalds? If you are in to boycotting what about Windows & all the PC technology?
But then again, if you wish to boycott....it is a personal preferance....nothing wrong with it...just that don’t look down on those who do not boycott.....OK enuff!!
By the way untill now I still and still didnt make any decision whether to accpet da Penang offer tu or not?? still in awkward feeling....I just hope, I got a right target....Insyaallah......
** Sorry if I terlalu "emotional" bout the Mc Donald`s issue tu!! Tak tau nak cakap pada siapa kecuali MY BLOG.COM :-)
4 weeks ago
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