I had a great night last night. after work, i went to the South City Plaza Bowling Centre with Yan (my lovely hse mate), kak milah (soooo quiet!), Rizal (talkative!) and Zam and that was energizing....and of course didn't win laa *BUT* i did very much enjoyed myself. i should thanks Yan for inviting us. Abang boyoi, you should have been there! it was fun, and funny! ;)
The last time i played bowling was month ago, and so, yesterday's experience was precious. I had a few games of bowling with them. man! it was fun. and PAINFUL! my hands are all swollen today you can even see the bruises. hahahahah padan muka. nak main sangat hahahha... it's amazing when i discovered that i can play (sikit2). it was awesome, and am planning on going again next week, if there's a chance laaa...boleh kan abang boyoi??? :-)
So, then after the bowling, we off to Hafiz`s Seafood belakang Minlon for dinner. and guess what, since we all dah macam ular sawa, but satay and kerang bakar still there so we do counting all the foods and devide by 5!!!! hahahhahaha ( Zam`s idea!!! crazyyyyy huh...)...but i didn't have a lot. yupp, didn't wanna spoil my diet, i guess ;)
By the way, i have a tag board at the bottom of the page! don't forget to write stuff there. take care y'all! have a nice day :) alrighty then -- back to work!
***it's a boring day. anybody want to set me up on a blind date? i think i need one! heheheheh
happiness only comes from your own self. you create your own happiness...
4 weeks ago
1 comment:
blah arrr main bowling tak ajak... umah lama aku depan tu je.. tapi aku bukan ada sana pon :P
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