** Every Day, Go Out of Your Way To Do Something Kind...**
Getting bored this week...dunno why?! I got nothing done today! Or the day before. I have been unproductive all-week long!
Anyway, a bit frust with myself!! failed tuk upload pics into my blog! got a few website and instruction but end up i`m still here without any changes :-(
Emmm today is Friday....freaky friday yeahh....Tomorrow is Saturday!! Cepatnya masa berlalu! Rasanya baru jer semalam aku enjoy saturday with abang boyoi @ One Utama Damansara...abang boyoi ku shopping spree hari tu....almaklumlah baru first time dapat shopping camtu since came back from UK! This week?? tak tahu lagi nak pegi mana, maybe duduk rumah jer kot! Menembamkan diri & ZZZZzzzzzzzz...i like it....
Untuk sesapa yg tak tahu lagi start from 14th-18th August 2004 kalau tak silap kat Mines ada Exhibition Halal Malaysia...so guys check it out!!
Have to stop,rambling has become incomprehensible,even to myself.
Pssst: Sorry if i`m using the "bahasa rojak" here will make u crazy!!! Tats de only way I have to improve my English and BM too!!! *wink*
4 weeks ago
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