first of all, just got a good news from Penang last Monday!! Interview yg I attend last 2 weeks was accpeted!! meaning I diterima tuk keje kat sana start by next month!!! huahahahhahah i`m really, really happy!!! but ....boleh ke I start keje baru dengan situasi yg baru dan seorang diri disana??? tats the problem! abang boyoi encouraged me to accept de offer..I know he was the first person yg paling "HAPPY" dan "SAD" bila dapat tau I dapat offer nie...HAPPY coz finally I dapat jugak offer kat Comp yg lagi baik dan besar compair ngan IRIS nie dan interm of RM pun quiet better there!! SAD coz maybe he will be alone here without me ....(cehhh perasan gak aku nie kan????)dan takder dah org nak gaduh dengan dia lepas ni!! Tapi walau apa pun I didnt make any decision yet!! Until now!! serious!!
What else??Ohhh ... maybe by this week jugak abang boyoi dah nak fly to INDON. Kalau org2 kat INDON tu sibuk nak datang Malaysia, dia pulak sibuk nak pegi INDON! However I`m so proud dengan abang boyoi sebab struggle and lots of sacrifice yg dah dia buat untuk capai cita2 dia yg satu nie : to become an AEROSPACE ENGINEER!! wish you GOOD LUCK abang boyoi!!!
more later....
4 weeks ago
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