Tuesday, September 28, 2004

SSYYYHHHH i`m busy now!!! hahahahahaha

Friday, September 24, 2004

people vs virus**virus vs people??!!

These few days were havoc. My company's server was terrorized by the stupid worm virus thingy, and that caused us quite a waste of time. We couldn't do anything much, and the fact that we couldn't connect to the net really made the problems worse. But we have solved the issue, and now the computer are back to normal. But the daily virus updates and computer scanning must be done to avoid future mishaps. So, I was to make sure that I download the daily updates for the rest of the people here and keep everything under control. So viruses, beware! super-wan is in da house!

Anyway, talk about people, there are different types of people in this world. There are people who like to criticize, there are hypocrites, there are humble people, there are weird people, complicated people, and many more. I see myself as complicated but boleh bertolak ansur. And weird but simple...hehhehehhe

But there are people who seemed nice at first, humble, and pleasant, when they are happy. But when things just don't go their way, they handle it badly. Rational people handle bad situation with calm and peacefulness. But people who aren't rational, take problems in a hard way and express they emotions in an un healthy way. For example, they use bad words, or they tell people off. These people, to me, are hypocrites.

Cara seseorang menangani emosi dan masalah mereka mencerminkan keperibadian mereka. Adakah patut sekiranya seseorang itu marah, untuk mereka menyemburkan kata2 yg kotor. Melemparkan tuduhan kepada seseorang. I pity those people.

Anyways, I again want to stress here, I have many other things to do in life rather than worry about what people think. Sometimes people just need to be selfish to satisfy themselves.

**pardon my babbling.... ;)

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Jangankan lelaki biasa, Nabi pun terasa sunyi tanpa wanita,

Tanpa mereka, fikiran dan perasaan lelaki akan resah,
Masih mencari walau ada segalanya,

Apa yang tiada dalam syurga?
Namun Adam tetap rindukan Hawa.

Dijadikan wanita dari tulang rusuk yang bengkok itu,
untuk diluruskan oleh lelaki,
Tetapi seandainya lelaki itu sendiri tidak lurus....
Mana mungkin kayu yang bengkok
menghasilkan bayang yang lurus,

Luruskanlah wanita dengan jalan yang ditunjukkan oleh Allah SWT,
Kerana mereka diciptakan sebegitu rupa oleh Allah,

Didiklah mereka dengan panduan Nya,
Janganlah cuba menjinakkan mereka dengan harta,
Kerana nantinya mereka akan liat,

Janganlah hiburkan mereka dengan kecantikan,
Kerana nantinya mereka derita,
Kenalkanlah mereka kepada Allah, Zat yang kekal,
Di situlah punca kekuatan dunia!!!

Akalnya senipis rambutnya,
Tebalkan ia dengan ilmu,
Hatinya serapuh kaca,
Kuatkanlah ia dengan iman,
Perasaannya selembut sutera,
Hiasilah ia dengan akhlak,

Suburkanlah ia kerana daripada situlah nantinya,
mereka akan lihat nilaian dan keadilan,
Bisikkanlah ke telinga mereka bahawa Kelembutan bukan satu kelemahan,
Ia bukan diskriminasi Tuhan,
Sebaliknya disitulah kasih dan sayang Tuhan,

Jinakkanlah diri kepada Allah,
Nescaya akan jinaklah segala-galanya
di bawah pimpinanmu lelaki,

Jangan mengharapkan isterimu semulia Fatimah Az Zahra,
Andai dirimu tidak sehebat
Saidina Ali Karamallahuwajhah

Terimalah wanita dengan seadanya
kerana setiap ciptaan Allah tidak ada yang sia-sia
semuanya penuh makna

Resource: COPY PASTE

Friday, September 10, 2004

and it`s friday!!

Rasanya dah 2 minggu tak update. It's alright, since I write whenever the mood comes. Well, it has been a good week, a great weekend as well....

Well,it's friday again! i'm so happy to be able to say that...heheheheh. I've always loved the day when it is just before the weekend. Although I am more lazy when it comes to friday (actually, i'm always lazy hehehe) but the fact that i'll be able to sleep through the morning on the next day really cheers me up! I luuuuuurrrvvveeee to sleep heheheh...

Everyone's having plans tonight or tomorrow night - whether going out with their significant other, or just lepak-ing with friends, or maybe going to the club. Where else for me, I am plan-less. Haven't had any money to enter any clubs...but maybe i'll just watch a cd at home given by abang boyoi... buy popcorn or DIY and just enjoy the night. The road will be too jammed anyways, and there will be too many people everywhere. But I wanna see the fully lit KL, and the midnight fireworks.....hmmmm....how ah?

And these few days i've been thinking about money and my career. How can I make more money, how can I go up a step in my career life. I feel like my work is so stagnant, going on the same pace day by day, and I must do something about it. But what? my family and abang boyoi supports anything that I decide. That's the problem. sometimes (now and then) I do need someone to tell me what to do....

after all, it's friday!!! catch ya later

** ohhh well my kaki got "terseliuh" since yesterday!! auuuccchhhh... susahnyer nak jalan!!So abang boyoi for this weekend kalau nak kuar, no shopping complex please!!!

*** 4 days to countdown abang boyoi`s birthday!!! makin tua rupanya abang boyoi ku ini!!! but hopefully ke"boyoi'an nyer tak bertambahh!!!hehhehe...

Thursday, September 02, 2004


Well, i'm sorry I haven't been updating for a few days. The mood wasn't there. I guess with many things happening these few days, I just got braindead. Last week has been quite tiring,I was out the whole weekend, doing this and that, going here and there and back here again.... with not getting enough sleep and all. I guess i'm not the type who can go on without getting at least 8 hours of sleep at night.....

About my life, it's just the same o, same o thing. i've been thinking a lot lately, about life, about my future, about friends and family. I guess these past few months, many things have happened in my life that really gave myself a shock. The family matter, the new people I met, the understanding of men's behaviour. arrggghhh, sometimes it's just so weird. what? I know, my life sometimes can be weird, so weird, and I tend to meet weird people. But i guess that's what makes my life interesting enough for me. My job -- well, it is driving me crazy, but God put me here for a reason.... so i'll just take it as it comes.

By the way, i'm very tired -- I dunno why. so many things to do, but yet so little time. and so many things to do, but yet so little money...*sigh*